Therapeutic exercise is one of the most valuable modalities used in rehabilitation to assist an animal’s return to function.

Exercise principles can be applied to a variety of animals and conditions not only helping pets recover more quickly from injuries or post surgery; it can help keep canine athletes and working dogs at peak performance levels.

Therapeutic exercise programs also have an important role in the home environment, this encourages owners to become more actively involved in their pet’s health and recovery.

An individualised exercise plan designed by ARC’s trained Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner can improve strength, flexibility, balance and coordination and may slow progression of disease, leading to enhancement in mobility and better quality of life for both pets and owners.

As part of the rehabilitation process we will employ specific exercises targeted to areas of need using a variety of exercise techniques and equipment such as balls, discs, balance boards, cavaletti rails to help your pet make the most progress.

To discuss how Therapeutic exercise can benefit your pet or working dog please contact us at the Animal Rehabilitation Centre.

– Aids balance and coordination
– Decreases future injury risk
– Benefits all life stages
– Strengthens all muscles and joints