Signs of pain in our pets can be very subtle and at times may go unnoticed.

Symptoms may include:

  • Lameness, limping or intermittent non weight bearing on a leg;
  • Reluctance to stand up, sit down, move or walk as much as before;
  • Behavioral changes such as restlessness, pacing or whimpering;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Difficulty or inability to jump up onto furniture or cope with slippery surfaces;
  • Changes in the way your pet stands during toileting. Dogs that used to lift their leg, now squat to urinate.

If you see any of these symptoms or you are concerned that your pet maybe in pain, please contact your regular Veterinarian as soon as possible.

In conjunction with medication prescribed by your regular Veterinarian, Rehabilitation therapy is an important element in the multi-modal approach for pain management.

Rehabilitation therapy combines several manual techniques such as laser therapy, TENS and thermal therapies (Heat and Cold) to modulate pain. We utilise the international recognised Canine and Feline Pain Score Chart from Colorado State University to help us better assess pain in your pet.