Hydrotherapy is used in both rehabilitation and as a conditioning tool for working and sports dogs. It involves the use of an underwater treadmill or a swimming pool.

At ARC we use an underwater treadmill to conduct our treatments. Every pet will receive an individually designed program by our Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner.

The reason why hydrotherapy is so beneficial is because it enables a dog or cat to exercise without putting joints under the stress that they would encounter if exercising on land. Hydrotherapy is used for several reasons, including conservative management of orthopaedic conditions, pre- and post-operative conditioning, and weight loss.

Only vaccinated dogs or cats will be accepted for treatment in the underwater treadmill. We require sighting a copy of your current vaccination record prior to the commencement of any treatment.

Any animal who is currently or has recently undergone rehabilitation following injury, surgery or has a chronic medication condition, will require Veterinary approval from their primary Veterinarian prior to commencement of any treatment.

We may contact your regular Veterinarian about the course of treatment and its expected outcome. We will use a feedback report form to let your veterinary surgeon know how your dog’s treatment is progressing.

For a custom Hydrotherapy Package consultation, please contact us at the Animal Rehabilitation Centre.

– Treats coordination & balance
– Facilitates weight bearing exercise
– Strengthens muscles & joints

Benefits of hydrotherapy can include:

  • Increase in the range of motion in the joints of your pet;
  • Helps improves mobility. Improves balance, coordination and proprioception;
  • Assists in the rehabilitation of arthritis and geriatric issues;
  • Increases cardiovascular fitness and overall general fitness and conditioning;
  • Enables the ability to weight bear on an injured limb;
  • Assists in the recovery of soft tissue injuries and joint pain;
  • Assists in weight reduction and toning;
  • Can be used for both pre and post op care for muscle building;
  • May provide relief from pain, swelling and stiffness.

Conditions that can benefit from hydrotherapy:

  • Arthritis – helps reduce pain and increase mobility
  • Hip/Elbow Dysplasia
  • Cruciate ligament disease and post operative recovery
  • Recovery from injuries – fractures, soft tissue
  • Obesity – in conjunction with diet
  • Spinal injuries
  • CDRM – Chronic Degenerative Radiculomyelopathy
  • OCD – Osteochondritis Dessicans
  • Mental well being

Contraindications include:

  • Unhealed surgical incisions;
  • Skin irritation, infection or open wounds;
  • Vomiting and/or diarrhoea;
  • Untreated cardiac, liver or kidney disease;
  • Incontinence;
  • Uncontrolled epilepsy;
  • If the dog has an external fixator.