Kirstin True – Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner

Dip.VN, CCRP, Cert Hydro

Kirstin True has a longstanding passion for animals and knew she always wanted to work with animals. Graduating from Massey University with a Diploma of Veterinary Nursing in 2011 she spent several years working as a Rehabilitation Technician at Massey University Veterinary Teaching Hospital.

Mentored by world renowned Rehabilitation Specialist Dr Wendy Baltzer DVM, PhD, DACVS-SA, DACVSMR-Canine, Kirstin went on to study for an internationally recognised Certificate Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner through the University of Tennessee. Having seen the practical benefits of Hydrotherapy and wanting to further her knowledge, Kirstin also studied for a Certificate of Hydrotherapy with Dogs in Motion, Australia.

Over the years her veterinary interest became more focused on mobility issues, particular sled and police dogs, but also geriatric dogs with chronic injuries. Kirstin is currently studying Canine Osteoarthritis Case Manager Certificate through the University of Tennessee.

Enabling dogs to achieve and maintain their peak performance and keeping them active and pain free through their lives has become her ongoing passion.